Thursday, December 16, 2010

sugary awesome

'Tis that time of year.

Da boss has delivered candies and a little something extra for xmas.

I've already earmarked the something extra for something awesome. So. Very. Awesome.

And the candy calls to me. Damnit.

I've been getting better as the years have gone by with respect to resisting chocolate (my Kryptonite). Milk chocolate holds less-appeal. The exceptions tend to be when it's wrapping some tasty caramel or a cookie. Twix bars are pure, tasty, evil in that respect.

Dark chocolate, however... oh that will haunt me to my dying day, I think.

Thankfully for my caloric intake, the candies are milk chocolate and mostly-resistable. The damn caramel ones, though... they call to me.

Oh, they call to me.

I can hear their siren song. They sing so very sedu-NOM-NOM-NOM!!!!!

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