Monday, April 5, 2010

Who's on Eleventh

I've watched the "Doctor Who" opener for the new series' season five, called "The Eleventh Hour" a good four times now.

It's written by the executive producer for this season, Steven Moffatt (the writer of the brilliant episodes "Blink", "The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances", and "Silence in the Library").

After four times, I'm still in awe of Moffatt's writing.

He's quickly established a "fairy-tale" feel to the series that I think is a brilliant addition. I was initially dubious of the casting of Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor, but his premiere dispelled every doubt I might have had.

And his companion, Amy Pond (played by the beautiful Karen Gilan) seems a good match for Smith's Doctor. A nice mix of wide-eyed surprise (necessary in the Doctor's companions) and competence (also necessary in the Doctor's companions).

The writing in this first episode is a bit more magical and clever than the more heavy-handed premieres of the previous four seasons. I hope they can keep this up in this season 'cause David Tennant's time as the Doctor is a tough act to follow.

I love this show so very, very much...

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