Thursday, April 8, 2010

High-handed Bullshit

I'm fairly easy to rile. Doesn't take much.

Eight years of BushCo arrogant bullshit shaved down my already short fuse pretty nicely.

I had a lot of high hopes for the future when Obama got elected. I still am of the opinion that things are somewhat better than under Bush, Cheney, and the balance of those socially-retarded morons.

That said, Obama's administration is not impressing me thus far.

* Assassination programs?

* Trying the terrorism suspects in military courts

* and an intended exective order to shove ACTA down our throats without public input or debate

This stuff is utterly ridiculous. That said, I don't approve of the more fringy-reactions ("Guardians of the Republic", "Oath-keepers", and the other dumbasses who are making death threats).

I'm thrilled the health care bill passed, but it was pretty watered-down and could have been much better.

Is it too much to expect better from the leaders of my country? No, I don't think so.

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