Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wiping Brain Matter Off the Screen

Last night my class started up again... kinda. It was more a ceremony-thing followed by a "warm-up" that was only mildly-insane.

I'm not sure why I'm not in any special pain from that. I should be. I tried all the exercises (and was pretty much dying by the end) and I've been an unforgivable slacker for over a month now, so it's not like I've stayed in shape or anything.

Hm... maybe the pain is waiting to hit me later?

Bah. I care not. New "Fringe" tonight. I also have a loaned copy of "The Dalek Invasion of the Earth" to watch on DVD. Yeah, that's right. Classic, William Hartnell-era "Dr. Who"! Woo-hoo! Or should it be "woo-who"? Hm.

I'm also currently addicted to some "young adult" fiction books that fall under the series name of "The Ranger's Apprentice", by John Flanagan. Damn these are good.

I got the latest Steven Erikson book and skimmed a few pages, then put it down. I'm just not up to that right now.

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