Thursday, October 1, 2009

October Fess

Yesterday was one of those days. One of my co-workers left and the good-bye celebration got rescheduled to a craptacular time I couldn't make, partially due to my class and partially due to an errand I had to run.

That, and other things, put me in a truly foul mood. I felt guilty about bailing on the sendoff and irritated about the errand. I'm on a bumpy road with a couple of my friends and it's also grating on me.

And so I was determined as hell to work it out of my system in class. Three hours of class, actually.

It would be nice if I retained all the stuff I was taught, but I don't have expectations for that. Still, it was totally worth it despite the fact I was pretty sure I was going to die of exhaustion during the second class warm-up.

I got it in my head that I'd ride my bike today. It's supposed to warm up so I threw on shorts instead of long pants for my ride in. My legs don't really get cold easily, so I figured it wouldn't be too bad.

Yeah... I was wrong.

It was chilly this morning. No fog. No clouds. It was as cool as prior mornings have been and I got to add wind chill from my bike ride.

My legs were cool but it's all good. I got Sasquatch blood, so all that fur keeps me warm. My ears were cold though. My mom gave me these really cool earmuff protector thingies for bike rides. I thought about putting them on, but discarded that idea.

Yeah. I won't repeat that mistake again this year. Brrr.

And now it's October. Huh.

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