Monday, September 10, 2012

Adventures in Late Night Riding

I spent Saturday at a friend's house gaming. Good fun.

I have a few mild concerns as to the disposition of some folks in that area as they may interact with parked automobiles, so I was reluctant to drive to my friend's house.

Good thing I'm within bicycling distance.

So I rode my bike to the game and enjoyed a nerdy afternoon while gorging myself on entirely too much food. I really need to get this gluttony thing under control. Fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies are my crack cocaine, man.

Wait. Getting derailed. Hang on. Let me get back to my point.

So as games go, it got out kind of late. It was dark by the time I left (as I'd expected). I hopped on my bike and adopted my normal early-morning strategy on the same route: I stopped only when necessary (meaning there was traffic in the way).

All the same, it was an eventful ride.

The cars were less of an issue, though there were more than I'm used to, so that was a bit of a worry. No, my issues were mostly the people walking about. Lot of 'em just popping on-and-off the sidewalks.

When I'm on my bike and trying to hug the side of the road closest to sidewalks so as not to get mauled by a car, I find I get displeased when some dumbass steps out in front of me.

I don't think that's an unreasonable reaction.

My favorite encounter was a point when I was stopped at a stop light in front of a liquor store. A drunk or high fellow stepped forward, slurring his words, and insisting I let him ride on my handlebars for a few blocks.

The thoughts that churned through my head were:

  • He was as heavy as I am. Why the hell would I want to double my energy output for some drunk dumbass on my handlebars?
  • He'd crush my bike light if he sat on my handlebars.
  • I wouldn't be able to see around him if he were on my handlebars.
  • SERIOUSLY??? What are we? Ten years old? Who still does this?
Needless to say, I refused and set out on my merry way.

I think I made better time going home than I usually do on that route. Or time was weird for me as I'm unused to riding on that street in that direction.

Okay, now that I've written the story out, it's less amusing than it sounded in my head.

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