Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Guilty pleasure

I saw G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra on TV the other day.

After I wiped the blood out of my eyes and forced my brain back into my skull, I pondered how someone could make such a horrible movie. I mean, c'mon! It's G.I. Joe! What kind of dumbass do you have to be to screw that up? I mean, lips on Snake Eyes' mask? WHAT. THE. HELL????

They made Scarlett a whiny wimp and kind of watered down the evil of the Baroness. Made me sad.

That said, I loved the rest of the Cobra villains. They made the movie almost watchable.

I chalked that up to more of my life that I'll never recover.

Then I saw:

I've had this on loop for a while. The "7 Nation Army" remix they're using as the music is freakin' AWESOME!

Plus, ninjas fighting on a mountainside? Sold.

I don't give a rat's ass about the rest of the movie. I will watch this for that scene alone.

Make no mistake here. This film will suck ass. I expect the acting, dialog, and plot to be ridiculous and ludicrous.

It'll still be worth it if they do two things:

1) Give Snake Eyes a proper baklava mask WITHOUT LIPS
2) Have a lot of ninja fights

Hopefully they'll have the "7 Nation Army" remix in the soundtrack, too.

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