Thursday, May 26, 2011

Skynet in its infancy

I have a new-ish car. As a result, it's got a computer in its guts that churns out all sorts of information.

A nice thing about my new car is that it has all sorts of indicators to tell me if something goes wrong. I push a button and I can see how much oil life I've got. I push another button and I can see my average miles-per-gallon.

In theory, my car tells me if something maintenance-worthy is pending.

It does have a few issues, though. This morning a bright, yellow-orange light flared on my instrument panel.

I was disinclined to pull over and check the user manual, so I waited until I got to the office and let my imagination run wild.

Once at the office, I looked up the ominous-looking indicator.

It's a warning that my tire pressure is low.

I did a walk-around on my car. The tires look fine. I'll take it in and have 'em pump it up a bit, but ye gods... is it really necessary to try to give me a heart attack first thing in the morning?

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