Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sisyphus Day

Aaah... hump day.

Nice to know the weekend is that much closer.

I just wish today wasn't going to be so goddamn long.

I may relocate desks again in the immediate future. I'm hoping that will afford me slightly more tolerable lighting options so I don't have to slam quite so many pain-dulling pills.

Day two of the bamboo in the coffee grounds. I honestly am not sure if it looks more wilted today or if I'm just imagining things. I didn't scrimp on the grounds. We're talking Peet's Sumatra here. Maybe it's a Major Dickason's kind of plant? Bah.

I find it strangely-amusing that people hit me up for help when I'm overbooked but I rarely hear from folks when I actually have free time. It fits in nicely with Neil Gaiman's line from NeverWhere:

"Events are cowards. They never come at you individually. Instead they wait and come all at once."

Okay, I'm paraphrasing. I can't remember the exact quote for not having the book in my bag today.

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