Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sixth of July

Three day weekends are simply lovely. Three whole days of sleeping in and getting one's mental bearings.

Three days of slacking.

A few drinks here-and-there. Some bad television. The odd trek about the area.

Quite relaxing.

There were apparently fireworks back on Sunday. I could've rousted my lazy ass away from the movie I was watching (or the Internet I was surfing... I can't remember), but the fog was rolling in earlier and I saw no benefit to joining the mob to gawk at pyrotechnics I've seen before.

I see the office remains standing. It's good my source of income remains undisturbed.

It also remains very fluorescent.

I am glad my polarized sunglasses are undisturbed. Nothing like returning from three days of relaxation to a shiny new headache.

Good, clean fun.

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