Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Spewing of Data: 10-18-2011

So those three hikers who got jailed by Iran? They're getting a headline for supporting Occupy Wall Street.

It's nice they're keeping busy and all. I'm all for supporting the OWS folks, but these hikers don't - in my opinion - need any more media coverage.


I'm on an Irish/Gaelic/Celtic music kick again. Bwah. I've just listened to Gaelic Storm and Wicked Tinkers music since I woke up this morning. I'm slightly-addicted to "Nil S'en La" (a track from yet another album I can't recall the title of). I'm a sucker for a group of lady singers doing the Irish music.


Yet another year and I can't think of a Halloween costume.

No that's not true. I'm not inspired to put in any effort to come up with a Halloween costume.


'Nuff said.



Jumping back on to the topic of the OWS protestors, the EFF has advice what to do with your phone in protests.

Good times.

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