Sunday, November 4, 2012

Blasting Bugs

I love Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Great sites. Interesting projects folks have that one can fund.

One of my favorites so far has been the Bug-A-Salt gun.

I participated in the Kickstarter some time back. The gun arrived Friday.

So far, four bugs have fallen to its salt-blasts in my apartment.

The principle is simple: it's a spring-cocked air gun that resembles a pistol-grip, stock-less shotgun. It's a mix of cast iron and durable plastic that reminds me of the toy guns I used to have as a kid (in the "good old days").

Pour some salt into the feeder, close and lock the chamber, cock the gun, release the safety, and blast bugs. Easy-peasy. Gets about 50 shots to the chamber, per the package.

Now the pesky pantry moths that bother me are in hiding, the little bastards.

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