Thursday, February 10, 2011


It's no secret to anyone who knows me that I'm a long-time fan of "Dr. Who".

And I'm talkin' old school fan. Tom Baker era, baby! 1979-1980 I was watching some of Baker's stuff on PBS.

I love the new stuff too. I especially love Steven Moffatt's stuff with Matt Smith's Doctor. I admit I fancy Karen Gillan quite a bit in addition to loving the story-writing, but that's kind of beside the point.

In discussing the Doctor's latest companions: Amy Pond and Rory Williams, a friend and I concluded that the two characters fit a certain archetype I've noted in a number of relationships friends have.

To the uninitiated, Amy Pond's introduction had her appearing as a "Kiss-o-gram policewoman" (read: costume fetish policewoman in a short skirt). Rory's big costume is when he was dressed as a Roman Centurion.

Many fans love the costumes, for the obvious reasons. Folks who fancy Ms. Gillan like the short-skirted policewoman outfit. Folks who fancy Arthur Darvill like him in his toga-esque Centurion garb.

There's more to it, though. Both costumes really indicate a lot about the characters. Amy's "Kiss-o-gram policewoman" outfit is a good indication of the character's flirty and dominant nature (authority figure, has handcuffs, need I go on?). Rory's "Centurion" outfit is a good indicator of his character's loyal, obedient, and fearless persona.

The two characters are a couple in the series. As such, they serve as a great meme for several relationships I know where one partner in a relationship is more... ah... in-charge than the other.

I can see it now:

"Wow, she's a real kiss-o-gram cop."

"Man, he's really the centurion in that relationship."

"Wow, dude. You're really her kiss-o-gram cop."

"Great job! You're really his centurion."

Or maybe not.

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