Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bullet Time

Had a health scare over the weekend. Okay, it was going on longer than the weekend, but I got scared over the weekend.

Took the day yesterday to do the doctor's visit thing.

I have to say, there's few things in life that provide a sense of relief and joy than your doctor saying things are not what you think and all is well.

Also: never use Google to self-diagnose. There lies dragons and insanity.

Though, to be fair, dragons are cool.

Got more news this early morning (despite everything, I did not sleep well last night) and the news went from good to far better than expected.

Life is fairly awesome.

1 comment:

Aaron Britton said...

If you even have the slightest bit of hypochondria, just don't even look online. Just don't do it. I told you not to do it. Oh you are going to have nightmares for weeks now.