Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Gary Gygax is dead.

Kind of a weird feeling. I never really liked D&D as a kid. I could never get behind alignment systems or figure out the esoteric weirdness of armor class and I really couldn't get behind the arbitrary rules (like wizards couldn't use certain weapons).

I first really got into RPGs playing "Star Frontiers". Some of my old-timer friends and I still remember Yazirian Battle Rage with fond memories. Every time I walk through UC Berkeley's campus and see Sather Gate, I think "Sathar" and look for hostile snake-worm-creatures. Heee...

Gamma World was also fun, but it never topped Star Frontiers. I guess it's 'cause GW had holdovers from the weirder parts of D&D's combat system. Though I have to admit, I always liked D&D's Sphere of Annihilation and GW's black-ray gun (or whatever it was called).

The current fantasy GURPS game that my nerd-crew and I play certainly has its D&D roots, if only because the other GM and I consciously try to avoid the more egregious cliches (like Drow, Driders, and the like).

Still, where would we be without Gygax's creations?

Rest in peace, Mr. Gygax. You rock.

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