Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Vidiot Box

At this rate I may well cancel cable TV by summer's end.

"Lost" has lost me. Even if the show wasn't ending in a few weeks, they've already killed off or maimed every character I give a damn about.

"Fringe" I can get via basic cable, antenna reception, or Hulu.

"Doctor Who" I can watch through various sites online.

I'm undecided whether "Happy Town" will be worth my time, but even if it isn't, basic cable or antenna reception would cover it.

I enjoy most USA network offerings, but I can rent or Hulu those. So I won't miss out on "Burn Notice" when it returns.

The only expanded channels I regularly care about beyond USA have been Comedy Central, Cartoon Network, and (once upon a time) Sci-Fi before they became SyFyk'd.

Neither Cartoon Network nor SyFy have had anything good to offer in a couple of years now.


1 comment:

Aaron Britton said...

DO IT! You will never regret it and will never miss it. I did it way back in 2002 and have never looked back.

All of a sudden you start wondering what was I doing watching all that TV.