Monday, May 24, 2010


Okay... if you give half a rat's ass about "Lost" and you haven't seen the finale, don't read any further.










It sucked about as much as I expected. Not quite as bad as "Battlestar Galactica", but close.

Things I liked:
* Laputas surviving the submarine.
* Laputas, Claire, Richard, Sawyer, and Miles getting off the island. I don't even mind Kate getting off the island.
* Desmond surviving and getting off the island was a real bonus.
* Hurley becoming the next "Jacob" with Ben as his number two was pure awesome.
* Watching Jack die. What? I really hated that character.
* Seeing Bernard and Rose living happily.

Things I hated:
* Mainly the self-indulgent last fifteen minutes of dreary, incoherent bullshit.
* The fact that Sun and Jin were still dead.
* The lack of any answers pertaining to Aaron being special or Walt being uber-special.
* Shannon is Sayid's "true love"? WTF?
* The lack of any substantive answers regarding the island, the Black Smoke, the Egyptian symbols, and the mystical powers that the guardians of the island possessed.
* The lack of any substantive answers regarding the "cork" and what it held in. Lava? It's a life-generating lightbulb? Huh?
* Every possible scene with Jack and Locke. Argh.

Yeah, the last fifteen minutes is right up there with BSG's "angel" bullshit.

I'm glad this goddamn show is done.

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