Monday, July 27, 2009


I have high hopes that I'll be up-to-speed for my next belt test for my class. My injury only gives me twinges when I do really weird twists. Oh, and jumping jacks.

Unfortunately, the test will probably require weird twists. Oh, and jumping jacks.

And I hate jumping jacks under most circumstances.


While I had a busy weekend, I'm hard-pressed to recall any details of anything I did. I suspect Nyquil played a part in that. I was pretty much a basket case on Saturday.

No, wait. That's nothing new.

Okay, I was especially-baskety (is that a word?) on Saturday.

I'm suspecting that I was either hit with a weird allergy episode or I caught a bug from my ill-advised (but oh-so-fun) Forbidden Island run Thursday night which had me sitting in the patio, with the cold foggy air blowing on me, as I enjoyed rummy goodness and played with the laptop.

I do believe it gave me a wee chill.

And alcohol is supposed to kill germs, damnit. Though, since I drove myself there, I couldn't drink enough to kill any germs, I guess.


Supposed to be hot today. By coincidence, my re-done order of Duluth shorts are supposed to arrive tomorrow.

Is that a coincidence or just bad timing? It's supposed to start a cooling trend tomorrow, so I'll go with bad timing.


I'm giving more thought to getting a new car. I love my current car, but it's getting on in years. I'd rather be able to do a switch over when it's advantageous to me instead of being desperate and getting whatever is handy.

Then again, I really don't want a car payment. Decisions, decisions...

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