Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bill O'Reilly is a jackass

Reference: http://www.salon.com/2011/11/22/oreilly_no_right_to_second_guess_the_police/

Specifically (lifted from this article):

I don’t think we have the right to Monday-morning quarterback the police. Particularly at a place like U.C. Davis, which is, you know, a fairly liberal campus, and they’re not running around. They camp to the point where … the Chancellor said “Look, you gotta get them out of there. We can’t operate a college like this.”

"Particularly at a place like U.C. Davis"? Dude, have you ever BEEN to U.C. Davis? It's not exactly a hotbed of revolution and those kids were just SITTING there. So because it's a "liberal campus" it's okay for cops to dose kids who are just SITTING there with military-grade pepper spray at point-blank range?


I'd like someone to demonstrate to O'Reilly what that feels like. Maybe they can wash the pepper spray off with some nice waterboarding.

What an asshole.

1 comment:

Aaron Britton said...

Yes completely. If anything UC Davis is not a liberal college. It is middle of the road if anything.

I couldn't believe that this happened there. When you see things like this happening at a university like UC Davis you know it is only going to get worse.