Tuesday, November 29, 2011

More Danger 5

So there's only been two episodes of Danger 5 released thus far, not including the spectacular trailer.

I guess I don't feel quite so bad about not knowing it existed until recently.

The flipside is that I now have to wait for more episodes.


Monday, November 28, 2011

Danger Will Robinson!

I don't know why it's taken me so long to discover Danger 5.

I caught a snippet on YouTube and am hooked. I plan to watch the rest of everything this week.

Entertainment needs more of this. Now. Right. Now.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Holidaze Begin

Ah, Thanksgiving (aka "Turkey Day"). A time of sanctioned gluttony.

Oh, and there's some "giving thanks" thoughts in the stew somewhere. Or is it in the mashed potatoes.

Mmm... mashed potatoes...

I'm personally giving thanks to the fact that I can now move my arm with a minimum of pain. The ligament damage is healing nicely. I can't use my arm for any heavy lifting, but such is the nature of soft-tissue injuries.

And now the countdown begins to Xmas. Ye gods.

I got some Xmas shopping done yesterday. It's going to be a light holiday. Money is tighter than usual. *sigh*

SyFy channel pleasantly surprised me by airing re-runs of the new show "Grimm". I recorded the four eps and watched 'em back-to-back.

Not bad. The story is intriguing. The main characters are kind of bland, but it's better than I expected. Too bad it airs opposite "Fringe". Though given how this season of "Fringe" is going, I can't say either show is better than the other.

I think I'm mentally-ready for the holidaze madness. Helps to have a local brewery.

Mmm... beer.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bill O'Reilly is a jackass

Reference: http://www.salon.com/2011/11/22/oreilly_no_right_to_second_guess_the_police/

Specifically (lifted from this article):

I don’t think we have the right to Monday-morning quarterback the police. Particularly at a place like U.C. Davis, which is, you know, a fairly liberal campus, and they’re not running around. They camp to the point where … the Chancellor said “Look, you gotta get them out of there. We can’t operate a college like this.”

"Particularly at a place like U.C. Davis"? Dude, have you ever BEEN to U.C. Davis? It's not exactly a hotbed of revolution and those kids were just SITTING there. So because it's a "liberal campus" it's okay for cops to dose kids who are just SITTING there with military-grade pepper spray at point-blank range?


I'd like someone to demonstrate to O'Reilly what that feels like. Maybe they can wash the pepper spray off with some nice waterboarding.

What an asshole.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

It's not Democracy, it's DiGiorno

I'm in favor of voting everyone out of Congress and starting fresh at this point.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

An Open Letter to Apple

Dear Apple,

Thank you so much for the iOS 5.0.1 update that has utterly obliterated the battery life on my iTouch. The device was working perfectly and without any issues (rare for the electronics in my life) until yesterday's update.

And your update has fucked that utterly. Thanks so very much.

May pestilence infest every aspect of your lives and fire burn the rest, you miserable, ratfuck bastards.

Why, no. I'm not bitter. Why do you ask?




Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Thick of It

I was recently loaned "The Thick of It", a particularly foul-mouthed British comedy about the inner-workings of government.

I love it.

I absolutely love it.

It's a profanity-laced extravaganza of government-dysfunction and horrible human beings. I'm now on the third season and can't stop watching the horror.

Good times.

At this point, I may finish today, as I've got to take time off to see the doctor over my mangled shoulder. Good for what ails ya...

Ah life

I find it funny how things go sometimes.

I've been wrestling with the idea of taking some time off from one of my hobbies. The one that hurts me. That one.

Then, last night, I took a bad fall. By "bad" I mean "I can't properly use a limb now and am going to see a physician today".

And just like that, life took care of that little decision.

In the meantime, I ponder if I have a soft-tissue injury or my first fracture that I'm aware of.

Excitement abounds.

Good timing for my "Dr. Who Series Six, Part Two" and Big Trouble in Little China DVDs to arrive.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Oh My God

After having seen this segment, anarchy's lookin' awful purdy...