Friday, September 13, 2013

Review: EAB Gerber Pocket Utility Knife

Oh County Comm, you never fail to lure me in. When I got the AAx2 Maratac light, I also saw the EAB Gerber Pocket Utility Knife.

So the last thing I need is another knife at this point. Still, the design intrigued me and for less than $14, I felt the need to check it out.

I'm glad I did. The EAB is a tiny thing, but feels solid and well-constructed. It's got a smooth action for opening and I have yet to accidentally cut myself. Though give it time...

There are guards in good places to protect the delicate fingers from the disposable blade. Did I mention the disposable blade part? Yeah, this takes a box-cutter blade that you can replace with a screwdriver.

In short, it's the perfect box-cutter and utility blade. Portable and solid. Could make a good money clip, I suppose.

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