Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Kick(starter) in the Pants

I admit it. I'm a Kickstarter junkie.

I was first introduced to it through the Least I Could Do movie idea.

Kinda went downhill from there.

I'm surprised nobody's yet hit me over the head to make me stop playing with the TiBolt I've always got on my person (my current favorite Kickstarter acquisition).

And my Cthulhu Tiki Mug assails my sanity constantly.

So I'm trolling blogs while a program sucks productive use out of my PC and I came across this: the Multi-tool wallet.

Yes. Yes, this is a good idea. I like this.

Will I fund this? I may well succumb.

I have plenty of wallets. My CountyComm Traveler RFID Wallet satisfies my requirements better than any other, though I do like to mix things up and use my TMT (now Attacoa Performance) wallet when the mood strikes me.

Having an extra bottle opener in the form of a wallet would not go amiss and I like the James Bond-esque idea of having all sorts of little tools handy.

Plus there's a Titanium option, though that's a bit pricy.

Decisions, decisions...

1 comment:

Apocalypse Equipped said...

man, we need to follow each other on Kickstarter, so much crossover ...
