Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Operation SuperCaff: update


So, it's my morning habit to have two cups of coffee. One cup with breakfast. One cup mid-morning when my "coffee buddy" arrives in the office.


As previously stated, I had some BBotE as my breakfast coffee this wet Tuesday morning.

It's doing its work nicely.

I did my coffee buddy a favor and retrieved coffee from our local caffeinating station and opted to get a cup for myself.

Whoo-eee... that plan may not have shown prudence and wisdom on my part.

It's not strong coffee, but I've already got 100 ml of BBotE in my blood.

So I have that much more caffeine in my blood.

Mind you, I have a reasonably-high tolerance for caffeine. Usually. I used to be Starbuck's drone and have actually experienced the joy of caffeine poisoning... over fifteen years ago.

Age, it seems, has lessened my tolerance.

So, the life-lesson here is: obey the suggestions of Herr Direktor. Consume no more than 100ml per DAY.

And now I will... SQUIRREL!!!!

Argh. ADD and OCD overdrive...

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