Monday, December 20, 2010

Steins! Of Science!

Pardon the disgusting ruin that is a toaster oven in the background.

So this is one of the Steins of Science I acquired this rainy Monday night from the honorable company of Herr Direktor himself.

I'm impressed with it. Keeps my beer cool and it looks awesome. That I acquired it after an hour(ish) of time hearing of the adventures of Herr Direktor's life was just icing on the cake. I know I'd read of some of it on his website, but for some reason the info didn't stick in my head properly. Likely my grey-matter hard drive is maxed out. *sigh*

I obtained a second one for a sibling who must have one. I can only imagine the sibling's reaction.

It's so shiny... and it holds an imperial pint of beer. I feel I must HIGHLY recommend this to EVERYONE I know!

But first, I need to deal with the fact I've had four pints of strong beer on a work night... ye gods...

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