So tomorrow's New Year's Eve. Last day of the fucking dumpster fire of shitstorms we've called 2020.
Don't think anyone's going to be sad to see 2020 fade into the distance.
Right now, the more contagious strain of Covid-19 is appearing here in California. I think we've got about 2 million cases of Covid infection so far. To say things are bad here really doesn't begin to cover how fucked it's gotten.
Ah California. You've really had a time of it, haven't you? Fires (God, the fires), economic issues, returning drought, and (of course) Covid-19.
Fucking hell.
I'm personally bunkering down like a madman and drinking far too many whisky cocktails (or just whisky straight). I'm going to give myself another few days then dry out a bit. But not until
after 2021 is here, thankyouverymuch.