Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Thoughts on "The Mercy of Gods" by James S.A. Corey

Last night I finished "The Mercy of Gods", the latest novel by the creative team who calls themselves James S.A. Corey, the writers behind "The Expanse" series.

Initially set on Anjin, a lost human colony, it follows the lives of a team of researchers who are caught up in a nightmare when Anjiin is invaded by an alien race known as the Carryx.

The invasion is brutal and vicious, ending with the humans of Anjiin enslaved to the Carryx and many of their best and brightest, including the protagonists, being abducted from their home and taken to the homeworld of the Carryx to be of use.

I'll be honest: I struggled to get through the first third of the book. It felt like a bit of a slog, and after the invasion, it felt like a banquet of despair served in a slog. It wasn't really the sort of story I was inclined to read when everything in the real world seems to be going to shit.

At the recommendation of a friend, I persisted and, a little over halfway through, I found it hard to put the book down. The overall story is, to my mind, a depressing and brutal tale, but there were things in the story that intrigued me and suggested things could get better in future novels.

One thing I'm wondering is if this is set in the same universe as the Expanse, only millennia later. If that's the case, kudos to the subtle insertion by the authors.

While I found the tale itself a bit hard to wade through, the storytelling is excellent. I highly recommend the book, for what that's worth.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Pondering 2025

Yeah, so it's 2025

I have no idea what to expect, based on the last four years or so.

Okay, I have an idea what to expect, but not sure what to say without sounding... you know what? Fuck it. I don't care.

2025, try not to be a dumpster fire, okay? I expect you'll be one anyway, but try to be less of one.

Won't happen, but it's worth a try.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

2024 can go f*** itself

As the subject line says: fuck 2024

Friday, October 4, 2024

Truths of human behavior

If you're walking on any kind of thoroughfare, like a sidewalk, people will stop at the narrowest point to block passage so they can check their phone or whatever the fuck.

Related: if you're walking along any sort of thoroughfare and someone is stopped to do some kind of personal adjustment (texting on the phone, putting something away in a pocket or purse, whatever), they will conclude their activity as soon as you're within a pace of them and they will start moving without looking, usually to cross your path so as to crash into you.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Deadpool and Wolverine

So I saw Deadpool and Wolverine last night.

Loved it! It was geeky in the extreme and laden with cameos galore. I expect one really kind of has to be deep in the comic books and a number of the movies to make sense of the film, such as there was sense to be made. I'm positive I missed tons. Didn't matter. Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman were pure win and everyone else rocked it. Nice entry into the MCU.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Godzilla: Minus-One

So I finally caught Godzilla: Minus One on streaming.

Simply outstanding!

This movie was so far and again superior to the latest Godzilla and Kong flick that it defies description. They're completely different in just so many ways.

Godzilla: Minus One, set in the last days and the first few years after World War 2, centers areound a Japanese kamikaze pilot who opts to not do the whole kamikazee thing. He initially encounters pre-radioactive Godzilla on an isolated Pacific island and survives an attack that kills pretty much everyon other than him and one other guy. The story then follows the pilot as he makes his way through post WWII Japan and tries to make a life for himself, helping a young woman who is a fellow survivor, and adopting a little kid.

Yes, there's human interest in a kaiju film and it's actually engaging and interesting. Hollywood could stand to take some notes here.

Anyway, the story follows the familiar tropes. US nuke testing mutates Godzilla and we get a radioactive fire breathing monster that's decided to stomp on Japan for some reason. There's attempts to stop Godzilla. They don't work. And then they do.

All told, it's simply the best Godzilla flick I've seen in years. I'm curious about the last few moments with the human characters. There's something that happens to a character that's a bit mysterious. And, of course, there's the indication that Godzilla will be back.

I hope this studio does more. That movie was just outstanding.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Godzilla x Kong: The New What-now?

So, I just went to see Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.

That was a thing.

It's good to see the studio is learning not to waste money on big-name actors in kaiju films. I couldn't tell you who any of the lead actors were. Not at all. The only one I recognized was the little girl from the previous film who could do sign language with Kong. Now she's a sullen teen. That's a thing.

Yeah, so... Godzilla x Kong... what to say about it. Hm... let's start with the good stuff, shall we?

  • Kaiju dentistry. Yes, I'm being serious.
  • Kong getting his Kong on a lot.
  • Baby Kong.
  • Utterly pointless destruction of humanity's creations from ancient times (good-bye pyramids!)
  • Godzilla's preferred bed.
  • Crystal gravity pyramids.
  • The little girl has superpowers.
  • Lots of monster on monster action. Eventually. Like in the last half hour or so.
Right, so the bad...

  • Waaaaaaay too much pointless exposition.
  • Just who the fuck were all these people on screen?
  • Really awkwardly-bad attempts to add human interest to the film. I'm fairly confident the audience gave zero shits about the main heroine and her relationship with her daughter.
  • Hippie kaiju dentist.
  • Taking waaaaaaaaaay too long to get to any sort of point.
  • Technobabble.
  • Camera angles. Unnecessarily weird camera angles.
  • Kaiju cavities.
  • The script could have benefited from any sort of editorial process to trim down the bullshit by a good 90%.
  • Incredibly awkward title.
So, in the end, I enjoyed seeing Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire. More accurately, I enjoyed the last... oh... 25% of the film. There were some nuggets earlier on, but the film was mostly a meandering hot mess that tried to hard to come up with a plot that wasn't there. I'll admit, I was a bit unimpressed with the villain monsters, too. Oh, the fights were good, but they lacked the real oomph that Ghidorah or Mecha-Godzilla had. Such is life.