Thursday, October 21, 2010


In the upcoming season of "The Sarah Jane Adventures", the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith) is due to meet Sarah Jane and Jo Grant.

I must say I'm intrigued.

Jo Grant was hardly a companion who is going to be remembered too fondly as history marches on. The character was very much a product of the '70's. She was a ditzy screamer and damsel-in-distress who every once in a while got to be plucky and almost competent.

A far cry from Zoe Herriot, Liz Shaw, Sarah Jane Smith, etc.

It's the 21st century now, so I have to say I'm curious if they'll revisit Jo in a positive light to make her less of a ditz and more capable and intelligent, like Sarah Jane or Amy Pond.

Makes me wonder if they're considering bringing back other past companions.

I pray they keep Melanie Bush gone for all eternity. I hope Adric stays dead-dead-dead. I won't weep if Peri Brown and Tegan Jovanka are never seen again.

I wouldn't mind seeing a return of Ace, or Sergeant Benton, or Mike Yates, or (bonus) Romana.

Mmm... Romana.

Where was I?

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