Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Shifting Week

Yesterday at this time I looked at the calendar and despaired. Not even half-way through the week.

Somewhere along the way, I realized my car was overdue for a service. A short phone call later and I had an appointment to take my car in.

I didn't have to request Friday off to deal with this.

Didn't stop me, but I didn't have to do it.

So, now I have Friday off. I can sleep in, then hop a train to get my car when it's ready. If luck is with me, I'll make my afternoon class for the requisite abuse. If not, I won't shed any tears and will instead truck immediately in to a bar to meet with geeky friends to have drinks and discuss "Dr. Who" before watching an episode at a friend's house close to the bar.

I like these options.

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