Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Day's Delight

My Chrome messenger bag has been getting a bit threadbare of late. It's still quite serviceable, but it's also a medium size and I've noticed my packrat tendencies are getting the better of me.

So I upgraded today to a large (known as Metropolis). And being the evil sorts they are, Chrome's sales staff showed me their hard-core messenger bags that expand. It was a struggle to decide if the extra sixty bucks would be worth it. In the end, I settled for my Metropolis instead of going crazy.

I dinked around a bit more in the city. Got some lunch. Got a beer. Wandered through Chinatown. Felt the slight sting of disappointment that one of my favorite bakeries is out of spongecakes (it's for the best...).

I finally meandered home. I got some groceries to make pasta sauce ('tis simmering as I type) and got my mail. Enclosed was a check from the state. Apparently I was in error when I thought I owed them money.

I'm tempted to go back to Chrome and swap up bags, but I'm going to resist.

Oh, and a bonus? A friend sent me hand-made chocolates in the mail. Mmmm... delicious!

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