Saturday, October 3, 2009

Beer and the City

I ran an errand in scenic San Francisco today.

It effectively took all day.


The "Love Fest" out in Civic Center. I was wondering why I saw a series of technicolor tarted-up teenage gals on my 9 car train (which was standing room only). Apparently the "Love Fest" and a bluegrass festival dominated the city's time.

Thus, I opted to stop by O'Neils (a fantastic Irish pub near the AT&T stadium) for a few before hopping the train home.

In and around my three pints, I met some really fascinating people and got the skinny on the hippie kids. I traveled back with a crapload of them on BART as many of them tried to hit the Cal game in Berkeley.

The three pints have hit me a bit harder than expected, but that's welcome.

Not like I'm driving... or even know where my car keys are.

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