Thursday, August 22, 2013

Salt Mining

Back to the office. Wow. So this is what work feels like?

Where did all this email come from? Madness. IT'S MADNESS, I TELL YOU!

Started reading "The Alloy of Law" by Brandon Sanderson (a Powell's purchase). Loving it. Damn but Sanderson is awesome!

A contribution from a reader. I have readers? WTF? I feel I should apologize for the banality and general poor writing I provide.

On the topic of banality, I have gotten handy popping the tires off of my bike, stripping them off, and reinflating them as needs be. Why? Oh, the last flat I got (a torn valve stem) has me paranoid so every time my valves in my tires bend, I deflate 'em, pop 'em off, re-adjust 'em, and re-inflate 'em. It's dirty work but it sure makes for a smoother ride. My bacon-and-beer fattened self rode a smooth ride into the office today.

Mmm... bacon...

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