Friday, January 21, 2011


For the last three days I've been pretty much down for the count from some variation of the latest plague in my office.

I dunno what the symptoms are for other folks, but mine are a killer:

* Extreme fatigue
* Headaches
* Dizziness
* intermittent sore throat
* occasional chills

It's been a hoot.

Two nights of Nyquil. A total of approximately 32 hours of sleep.

I've sworn by Nyquil in the past. I continue to swear by its almost holy healing properties. The headaches are gone. The chills are pretty much over. The fatigue isn't really a problem. The sore throat is less-common.

The dizziness is still a bit of an issue, but I have been pretty sessile for the last couple of days.

I hate being sick.

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